Q&A with David Lauritzen, SPC’s new Director of Digital Manufacturing

How did you get started in the print industry and why are you passionate about the field?

Lauritzen:  I began my career in the printing industry right out of school working in Quality Control for a press manufacturer.  A few years later I went to work for a local web printer working in their prepress department. Eventually, I ended up managing multiple departments/divisions for other webfed, sheetfed, digital, and label printers. My passion comes from the desire to be challenged and learn new things. The print industry is always evolving and affords me this opportunity regularly.

Give us a few details about your favorite part of the job.

Lauritzen: I enjoy building teams that are cross-functional, take pride in their work, and help team members succeed while contributing to the short- and long-term goals of our company. I enjoy pushing myself to become a better leader while creating an environment that’s open, positive, transparent, and encourages growth.

What do you bring to SPC?

Lauritzen:  25+ years of experience developing and implementing processes that improve results and reduce waste. I bring an open mind, I am comfortable with change and can switch directions as needed to support our clients’ requests. I work to bring out the best in my teams through continual support and training. I tend to start slow as I get an understanding of what we do, how we do it, and why we do it. Once I have a grasp of this, I move forward to ensure my team is aligned with the goals of SPC and our clients.

What are some of your outside interests?

Lauritzen:  When not at work, family time is important to me. When my children were younger much of my time away from work was spent watching my daughter ride horses, my son play travel hockey, or going on family camping trips. Now that my son is in the military we take vacations that allow us to be together whenever possible.

What is a fun fact about yourself?

Lauritzen:  I have a good sense of humor and enjoy making people laugh. I believe there’s no reason why we can’t have fun getting it done.  We achieve more when we enjoy what we do and with whom we do it.

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