THE FRIDAFormat # UNF001The Frida has a look all on its own. This memorable format carries two 2-ply affixed cards enfolded in two curvy perforated panels that provide a peek at the contents within. The Frida format is dressed to impress. Variable Imaging Two 2-Ply...
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THE ANGELOUFormat # UNF002This five-panel oblong folded self-mailer with a square exterior flap folds from a flat 35” to its final size of 9” x 5”. The Angelou also features a die-cut circle on the outside front panel, which can be used to pique interest from a...
THE LOVELACEFormat # UNF003Looks like an envelope, feels like an envelope, but The Lovelace is an amazing self-mailer. A two-panel mailer with a four-panel gate-fold stitched in and an exterior flap for a more secure delivery. The Lovelace is a simple format that will...
THE WAGNERFormat # UNF004The Wagner, a 5.5” x 8.875” finished-size self-mailer has a lot more room than first meets the eye. The six-panel outer carries a four-panel brochure stitched within and the expansion of the third outer panel to reveal four more panels. So...
THE LINCOLNFormat # UNF005This unfurling piece springboards out to reveal multiple panels and an extended read, perfect for in-depth descriptions and benefits, or multi-tiered messaging. The many panels on The Lincoln allow for the drama of the piece to unfold unlike...
THE ROBINSONFormat # UNF006The Robinson is perfect for a crystal clear presentation of products or image-heavy messaging. These folds make for an easy opening experience and will quickly grab hold of the customer’s attention. Variable Imaging Intricate Folds...
THE PRINCEFormat # UNF007The Prince helps the branded marketing stand out front and center. It expands to reveal a stepped, double gate-fold with a 2-ply card tucked inside under short folded panels for an expansive view. Variable Imaging Intricate Folds Eight-Panel...
THE PARKERFormat # UNF008The Parker self-mailer is small but mighty. The finished size of 5-1/4” x 7-1/8” is deceiving for, when unfolded, its 35” wide span, with stair-stepped folds on the right, is more than adequate space to introduce a story before revealing the...
Format Library⇢
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