THE WALLERFormat # HYB016The Waller has the high-end look of an iron cross but is much simpler in design. This iron cross mailer opens like a gate-fold mailer but stealthily carries a three-panel brochure inside. Consider this format for an elegant invitation, product...
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THE HANDELFormat # CLS017Take the Handel for a spin—a simple folded self-mailer with a big surprise inside. It features a die-cut pop-up that can take the shape of a car, boat, or even a bike. A great way to show off any product against a colorful backdrop. Variable...
THE RAHNFormat # BKT003The Rahn is a show-stopping format. It arrives sporting a typical self-mailer profile. Customers will be pleasantly surprised with this inline format, exploring their options as they change up the inner flip-book pages. Leverage creative imagery...
THE NewtonFormat # PKT011The Newton is a surprise and delight in a small package. On the outside is a two-panel mailer with a closure flap, but once inside, a 3-ply card emerges from under a pocket for an exciting reveal. Great for a special offer of any kind! Use the...
THE HOPPERFormat # INC001The Hopper is an interactive format with an attention-grabbing, five-panel brochure for a marketing message and two affixed cards designed to spark action or introduce special offers. The streamlined, inline personalization and variable...
THE COPLANDFormat # UNF017Consider The Copland to show off your most prestigious offerings, from luxury cars to high-end appliances, real estate or travel. This five panel format with an interior accordion fold is proven to make a massive impact. Five Panel Mailer...
INT012 THE Houdini
THE HOUDINIFormat # INT012The Houdini format initially grabs a customer’s attention with a pop-out card, but captures their imagination with a series of advent-style windows. Open the windows to reveal the exciting hidden offers inside. Variable Imaging Die-Cut and...
THE JANNUSFormat # PRM005The Jannus gets directly to your customer—fast. A personalized fold-over sheet carries multiple cards which can be used as member cards or promotional cards. The carrier is inserted into a sleeve that is matched and inserted into an outer...
Format Library⇢
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