A Note from the New Director of Manufacturing

I’m quoting one of my favorite artists when I say, “Baby I’m Amazed!” This is not what I expected. I’ve been with SPC for only a few weeks now, and to say that I am pleasantly surprised would be an understatement.

When it comes to people, places or things we’ve never visited, we often have a mental picture or preconceived notion as to what we will be witnessing once we get there. This was the case when I first walked through the doors of Specialty Print Communications. I agreed to join this talented team of professionals sight unseen. I did not know very much about the culture of the company, its employees or its capabilities.

From the very first moment I walked through the doors, I was greeted with a welcoming smile and courteous professionalism. Walking through the hallways, I was very impressed with the tastefully decorated office areas which created a wonderful working milieu. I thought to myself, “nice job!”

In touring the manufacturing areas, I was totally blown away by the scope of capabilities this organization has built in relatively a few short years! I did expect to see eight and sixteen page web presses. I did not expect to see the level of sophistication in terms of ancillary equipment for creating highly personalized, high impact, direct mail pieces. From the digital imaging equipment, to finishing lines and everything else in between, this pressroom has got it going on!

But that was only the beginning. I then saw two roll to roll, roll to sheet variable cutoff U.V. presses. Imagine the possibilities! Did I mention commercial print? I walked around a corner and there in all its glory, a brand new state of the art sheet fed machine, barely broken in yet, which accompanied an existing sheet fed press. Now I’m thinking, “This is going to be fun!”

That still was only scratching the surface. Sophisticated die cutting capabilities, digital output devices, highly experienced staff, it was like a whirlwind!

I often heard of the new letter shop, which has only been in operation for a few years. I couldn’t believe my eyes. The size and scope of the operation was astounding. I thought of all the hard work and dedication it must have taken to build this world class facility in such a short matter of time. The growth here has been exponential.

I can go on and on however I think you can sense my excitement. For the first time in quite a few years, I am truly excited about coming to work every day. The flurry of activity is like an adrenaline rush. I feel amazingly fortunate to have this opportunity presented to me. The future looks bright for SPC. Given the talent this organization has, its capabilities, its excellent customer service, the sky is the limit! I had no idea.

John M. Romita
Director of Manufacturing


Picture Above: John Gaspari (left), John Romita (Right)

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