Ask Randy: Volume 11

Randy Weiler, SPC’s Director of Postal Affairs and Logistics, is here to help you navigate the labyrinth of the USPS. What does it take to efficiently move your projects through the USPS system? What efficiencies can you gain from SPC’s lettershop expertise? Who determines postal increases?

Every month, Randy fields your burning questions about mail and postal affairs in a Q&A format. You can email him at or post a question via Facebook or Twitter using the hashtag #AskRandyUSPS. We post the questions and his answers each month both here on the SPC blog and on social media. To see a full list of questions that Randy has answered, check the Ask Randy Index.

1) What is Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM)?

Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) is a Marketing Mail Offering from the United States Postal Service. EDDM mail is an unaddressed, flat-sized mail piece that will be delivered to residents of a preselected USPS Carrier Route. The routes can be selected based on proximity to an address. Demographic information by route such as average household size or income is available to help choose the routes. EDDM is a great way to conduct a very localized mailing without having to pay for a mailing list. Just note that the mailpiece will not be addressed or personalized.

2) What are the pros and cons of glue vs. tab on a self-mailer? 

In my opinion, glue is the better way to close a self-mailer. Glue tackiness can be controlled to avoid tearing the piece and oftentimes can be applied while folding the self-mailer. The only drawback of glue is that it sometimes can’t be used due to USPS regulations. Typically, a tab is required when there are multi-layers of material needing to be sealed.

3) How do the requirements differ between Marketing Mail and First Class, and what is the difference in timing/cost? 

Physically, there is no difference in the mail piece design requirements between First Class and Marketing Class mail. There is a content requirement that mailpieces containing personal information must mail as First Class. On timing: First Class mail is typically “in-home” 2-5 days from mailing, while Marketing Mail is typically in-home 5-14 days from mailing, depending on the distance from the mailing location. The difference in cost between First Class and Marketing Mail varies by piece, type and processing of the Marketing Mail. In general, a First Class mail piece will cost 40-70% more than Marketing Mail.

4) Do you think “Friends” is a good TV show?

I like Friends. I can’t even begin to count how many times I’ve caught myself humming “I’ll Be There for You.” However, does anyone really think that any of the characters would actually be able to afford living in those apartments?


Randy Weiler
Director Postal Affairs and Logistics

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