1. What inspired you to enroll in the Graphic Communications program at Clemson?
To be honest with you, I chose this major because no other major seemed to “fit” me. While I enjoy subjects of certainty such as science and math, I also tend to thrive in more artistic areas. My major in Graphic Communications at Clemson has helped me develop both the creative and logical sides of my brain, allowing me to learn about the physical properties of ink and how that influences print, as well as teaching me more about the elements of design.
2. What have you learned from your time at SPC, and what was your favorite department?
I have been able to see what the print industry looks like first-hand, and not just through what my professors have told me. Being a college student in the COVID era unfortunately kept me from experiencing a lot of aspects of print first-hand, as I had to take online classes for the first year of college. Now, I’ve had the amazing opportunity to talk to those who work in the print industry and find what areas I most enjoy.
My favorite area has been working with the prepress department. In this department, I learned the importance of proofing and revision, and also how to make a physical proof. I got to sit with the prepress team as they preflight images and made sure all art would be able to run successfully on press. My absolute favorite part was doing research on different plating methods to conserve ink and doing color approvals and press adjustments with PrePress Manager, John Gebhardt.
3. How do you think your experience as an intern at SPC will affect your final two years of studies at Clemson?
I have learned that I really enjoy doing research on the physical properties of ink and how it reacts with various types of paper. I think that I will start to take more Chemistry classes to draw that information back over into print. From my time with the SPCFuel team, I have been inspired to start taking more independent time to work on my personal portfolio. I don’t have to wait for an assignment in class to start developing my skills!
4. Where do you see yourself in the future?
I see a lot of different opportunities opened for me. I could see myself working in the print industry in the areas of ink, substrates, and color management. I really enjoy seeing the science behind that. I could also see myself working in design marketing and sales. The SPCFuel team was an awesome place to learn about the creative process. Everyone on that team is so excited to create and share new ideas!
Last, I could see myself working solely on the design end of the print industry. Now that I know all the work that goes into producing perfect prints on the back end, I think I could be more intuitive as a designer to output designs that look great on the computer screen, as well as replicated via print.
5. Lastly, and maybe most importantly what was your favorite Chicago restaurant?
My favorite Chicago restaurant I have been to this summer has got to be Archie’s Café in Rogers Park. It is a small coffee shop that also serves as a dinner scene. Pasta Thursdays and Pizza Fridays are very fun, as the food is phenomenal, and there is live music from local artists! Their cocktails are unique, and if I were 21 I am pretty sure I would love those too!
I also want to include an honorable mention to Devil Dawgs, for the best Chicago-style hotdogs I have found.
Anna Moore, 2022 SPC Intern