Innovations in Digital Print: Hidden Cost Savings of Inkjet Web Printing

We’re driven to provide our clients with printing solutions that meet both their creative needs and key performance indicators of a mail campaign. That’s why we feel compelled to not only adopt the latest innovations, but to educate our clients about how best to utilize them. We see that 1:1 precise personalization is a growing demand for our clients. For us, having the right tools to implement creative solutions using data to drive that personalization helps tremendously with building deep personal relationships between our clients’ brands and their customers.

The print industry’s latest advancement, digital inkjet web printing, is the answer to this need. Its revolutionary technology allows our clients to flex their creative muscles when trying to execute an effective campaign. Toner based digital has been around for a long time, but the limitations of size, speed, color quality and finishes for sheets were drawbacks. Now, for the first time, we are able to quickly print in large quantities with few creative limitations at an affordable cost. We can also replicate many formats that were traditional web offset inline formats even adding finishes that enhance packages that compare well to those using traditional techniques.

Making It Personal Makes It More Effective

Before inkjet web printing was an available option, most marketers utilized traditional print processes to produce large mail campaigns. Versioning was accomplished with plate changes. While these forms of printing did, and continue to do the job, there are certain limitations to imaging and personalization. In order for a brand to version out their mailings—acquisition, existing customer, loyalty program, and merchandise categories—it must use separate files, which can be time consuming and costly when you have to change versions on press multiple times.

Thanks to inkjet technology, digital printing allows our clients to achieve a level of personalization that traditional printing simply can’t provide. This can have a major impact on the success of a campaign.

Nearly 80% of consumers are more likely to do business with a company that offers personalized experiences.*

Inkjet web printing gives marketers more freedom and flexibility to segment their audiences to better communicate with precise personalization. In the end, it builds stronger relationships with customers and prospects through more personal, relevant and engaging campaigns that connect them with marketers’ brands and drive results. Plus, adding unique coatings and texture options, each piece has potential to make a very big splash.

*Source: ANA / DMA Response Rate Report, 2018

But Doesn’t Inkjet Web Printing Cost More?

We are aware of the perception that inkjet web printing can be more costly than traditional forms of printing. While that may be the case in some scenarios, the comparison may not be fair. That’s because inkjet printing allows for almost limitless personalized messaging and imaging variables, at high quantities, at high speeds. We need to consider the increase in response rates driven by relevant personalization and how improved ROI offsets the increased production cost.

Also, to achieve a comparable level of personalization with traditionally printed campaigns, the cost could far exceed that of an inkjet campaign. Depending on the project, some of our clients have realized great savings. Here are some recent examples:

  • A retail client mailed over 9.3 million inkjet-printed pieces to consumers in a single mail file. The previous version of the same mailing required 44 mail file versions. They were able to reduce their cost by $0.017 per piece, which totaled $159,640.59 in savings.
  • An automotive brand previously mailed 13 first-class mail file versions. By moving their campaigns into a single mail file using SPC’s inkjet web platform, they were able to reduce their cost by $0.096 per piece for 150,000 pieces with the net savings of $14,331.46—freeing up more budget dollars to spend on other supporting marketing channels.
  • A major telecom client was able to move from 10 print versions and 10 mail files to a single mail file for 270,000 pieces. They saved $0.02 per piece, adding up to $5,311.41 total savings by moving their campaign to the SPC inkjet web platform.

Pretty impressive, right? SPC’s postal logistics solutions help streamline the process for the USPS by minimizing the number of pallets and maximizing the number of pieces moving in a single shipment to Sectional Center Facilities (SCF).

In addition to providing world-class production solutions and customer service, our clients rely on SPC to help drive results. With the new addition of our digital ink jet printing capabilities and optimized postal logistics planning, we are able to deliver dynamic content that also drives ROI, and there’s not much more that you can ask for. Value delivered!

“It’s very rewarding to guide our clients to solutions that satisfy their campaign objectives. Once we explain the capabilities and efficiencies of digital ink jet printing, and how effective it can be, there’s no reason not to try it. And once a client converts to inkjet, they rarely go back.”


Bill Mattran
SVP Business Development


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