Girls Who Print

Happy Girls Who Print Day from all of us at SPC! To celebrate the holiday we wanted to feature a few of the incredible women at SPC and give them an opportunity to share their words of wisdom with the next generation of girls who print. We thank all of the women at SPC and across the print industry for the hard work they do every day to improve and advance print!

Cissy Pettenon

“Have the guts to say yes to new opportunities outside of your comfort zone—and if you aren’t getting opportunities, have the guts to ask for them!”

Cissy Pettenon has been with SPC for six years as the Digital Workflow and ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) Technologies Manager. Cissy’s been a part of the print industry for 31 years, since her first job as a production coordinator after finishing college. Over the course of her career, Cissy has worked in various segments of the print industry including direct mail, publishing, and print-on-demand. She’s spent considerable time working on challenging projects that require complex data mapping and cutting edge personalization. This mixture of experience makes Cissy a perfect fit for her role at SPC. The variety of projects offered within print and its rapidly evolving technology have let Cissy continually learn new things and challenge herself. Looking to the future, Cissy is excited about the evolution of digital printing technology and the complexities that will come with it. To the next generation of girls who print, Cissy’s advice is: “Have the guts to say yes to new opportunities outside of your comfort zone—and if you aren’t getting opportunities, have the guts to ask for them!”

Maria Heart

“The print industry is a male-dominated industry. See that as a challenge and not as a deterrent.”

Maria Heart, SPC’s Scheduling Manager, has spent six of her 35 years in the print industry with us. In her critical role, Maria juggles tight deadlines, a wide variety of job formats and a myriad of varying press specifications to ensure that all jobs run efficiently and are delivered on-time. Throughout her career, Maria has held a number of different positions in the industry, from accounting to customer service, each of which helped her develop a detailed understanding of the overall operations of a print company. Maria also enjoys the merging of the technical and creative elements that go into a successful job. Maria is fascinated by print, because she believes there will never be a day when people don’t want to touch and feel things. Maria firmly believes print will never be dead, but will keep advancing rapidly to keep pace with new technology and consumer expectations. Her message to the next generation of girls who print is: “The print industry is a male-dominated industry. See that as a challenge and not as a deterrent.”

Teresa Frederick

“It’s vital to find a career that excites you—and you might be surprised where you find it. Don’t overlook a career in the print industry just because it doesn’t sit perfectly on the white-collar edge of the workforce spectrum.”

Teresa Frederick, SPC’s Vice President of Lettershop Operations, has been in the print industry for 29 years—the last one and a half years of which have been with SPC. Like any manufacturing process, lettershop finishing offers the exciting challenge of interpreting a design and transforming it into a production strategy. Working at SPC (where both print and lettershop capabilities are available in-house) allows Teresa to ensure jobs are produced in the most efficient way for both print and lettershop production. Between the complexity of the designs and number of components that go into a single job, no two jobs are alike. Every day and every job presents a new opportunity to solve the manufacturing puzzle, and the chance to see it succeed. To the future generation of girls who print, Teresa’s advice is: ““It’s vital to find a career that excites you—and you might be surprised where you find it. Don’t overlook a career in the print industry just because it doesn’t sit perfectly on the white-collar edge of the workforce spectrum.”


Kiki Heron
Associate Account Manager

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