1. When will the next anticipated USPS postal increase happen? How will marketing mail of letters vs flats be affected by the increase?
The next USPS postage rate increase is scheduled for July 2022. It is projected that the next postage rate increase will be between 6.2 % and 8.4 % depending on mail class and type. Any increase in postage for marketing class letters will fall on the lower end of this range. Conversely, marketing class flats will be on the higher end. After the July adjustment, the USPS has stated there will be twice yearly adjustments, one in January and one in July of each year.
2. What is the Postal Service Reform Act (HR 3076)? What positives do you think this will bring to customers?
HR 3076 requires the Office of Personnel Management to create the Postal Service Health Benefits Program for USPS employees and retirees. It will revoke the mandate that the USPS pre-fund future retirement health benefits. This existing mandate has placed an unnecessary financial burden on the USPS that does not apply to any other federal agency or private company. The Act will convert the prefunding requirement to a more traditional fund as an incurred retirement plan. Additionally, postal employees will now be required to participate in Medicare, which will result in reduced USPS costs.
If passed, this law will also require greater USPS accountability and transparency of service performance targets and results. In essence, the USPS will have to provide the Postal Regulatory Commission (PRC) with product performance targets and a weekly report of results to those targets.
Many of the positives of this legislation are mentioned above. The USPS should realize cost savings if HR 3076 becomes law. Lower USPS costs, in theory, should result in fewer or smaller future USPS rate adjustments, which will benefit USPS customers.
3. What day of the week do you recommend mailing to achieve the quickest in-home delivery?
Your in-home delivery date will depend on final destination of the mail and location relevant to SPC. That being said, mail is typically better received Tuesday-Thursday. These three days are far enough away from the weekend, that your customer is actively working and not in “weekend mood”. During this period, there is a higher chance of the household members being home as well.
4. What is your favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving. Most if not all my immediate and extended family makes it home. Great food, football, conversation, catching up, maybe a few drinks. What’s not to like.
Randy Weiler
Senior Director of Postal Affairs, Logistics & Strategy