Format # HYB007
The Twain, a two-panel self-mailer with a flap, encloses six attached coupons for products of relevance to customers. Utilize customer data to periodically update coupons to encourage return customer sales.
Key Features
- Match Personalization
- Two Panels Plus a Flap
- Affixed Six-Page Stubbed Coupon Booklet
- Automotive
- Consumer Packaged Goods
- Grocery
- Retail
- Telecomm
- Travel + Hospitality
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We currently hold chain-of-custody certifications with:
- The Forest Stewardship Council® (Certificate BV-COC-080919, License ID FSC-C006952)
- The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (Certificate BVC-SFICOC-8000569-10569, License ID SFI-00492)
- Programme for the Endorsement of Forest CertificationTM (Certificate BVNA-PEFC-COC-700018, License ID PEFC/29-31-393)

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