THE BRAHMSFormat # CLS001In need of a mailer that is quick to produce but has enough room to say everything? Look no further than The Brahms—a straight forward four-panel piece. Variable Imaging Three Panels Plus Extended Flap Roll-Fold Automotive Banking Credit Card...
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THE SAVILLEFormat # CLS002The Saville is perfect for a clean presentation of products or image-heavy messages. The simple folds and easy opening will quickly grab anyone’s attention. Variable Imaging Four Panels Plus a Flap Automotive Banking Healthcare Retail...
THE FRANKFormat # CLS003The Frank is a tall and slender three-panel mailer with two stacked 2-ply affixed cards on the center inside panel. This demonstrates a great use of space with panels on either side to describe product benefits. Variable Imaging Two 2-Ply...
THE STRAUSSFormat # CLS004The Strauss is a simple and timeless gate-folded self-mailer which can be opened horizontally or vertically. Use it to stage two messages with equal weight followed by a full spread to elaborate on important features and benefits. Variable...
THE ARMSTRONGFormat # CLS005The Armstrong, a go-to classic No. 10 window envelope with a letter and enclosed insert, is a champion package. This reliable package is strong and dependable. Variable Imaging Outer Envelope Die-Cut Window Enclosed Insert Plus a Letter...
THE LANGEFormat # CLS006The porthole die-cut window on The Lange’s outer panel divulges just the tip of the iceberg. It compels the reader to not stay on the outside looking in. This five-panel self-mailer reveals much more as it continues to unfold. Variable Imaging...
CLS007 THE Sargent
THE SARGENTFormat # CLS007The Sargent, a modified iron cross format, fosters a customized feel with a die-cut circle window on the outer wrap revealing an enticing view of the contents. A three-panel brochure inside can be elevated with personalization or...
THE AUSTENFormat # CLS008The Austen in its folded form, appears as a simple, oblong mailer with a large outside flap. But intriguing design and fold placement in this five-panel mailer continue to unfurl a wealth of features and benefits in a digestible way. Variable...
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